New Overview of my Testimony

Testimony of Targeted Individual Sharon R. Poet
(Updated Dec, 2014)

I am an unheard victim lost beneath the lies.
I am a tortured one - put on a list to die.
I am a rising wounded - begging for your aide,
Becoming a speck of dust in an evil charade.

But I hope this changes soon
Please read this site so you can 
better understand my testimony

    The past few years have been a process of my trying to figure out why and how I am being targeted. . .as well as when it all began. Doing this, WHILE still being targeted, has been close to impossible. But between rounds of heavy targeting I've been gradually realizing and remembering increasing amounts of it. (Please understand that discrepancies in my writings are a reflection of this grueling process as well as alterations by those who target me and infiltrate my computers and web sites.)    I now believe that I have been being targeted, by what appears to be some sort of satanic occult, since I was at least 11 years old (since around 1970).

   My life, since then, has been repeatedly infiltrated and manipulated by them and what appears to be other covert groups that they utilize. The scope of the destruction they have caused in my life is so huge that my writings only contain parts of it. It often feels difficult to explain, because I do not fully understand their methods and reasons, and trying to process my own experiences and feelings (which are sometimes too painful and overwhelming) between being hit with heavy rounds of psychological harassment, microwave and/or laser weapon attacks and mind control technologies, is difficult to say the least.

    But I have fully realized that the goal of those who target me is to inflict extreme psychological and physical hardship and to destroy my reputation through manipulating my life in ways that make me appear to be immoral and/or criminal. This has been being done through what appears to be false rumor campaigns and attempts to frame me as well as mind control inflictions (brainwashings) and even episodes of drugging and raping me...etc.    The targeting has infiltrated and/or sabotaged every aspect of my work and relationships and has harmed and/or brainwashed many others in this process. (My loved ones have also been targeted.) Since the early 1990s I have been experiencing a hell that most of you probably cannot even begin to imagine.
    The first few decades of the targeting were so deceitful and so covert that I did not start realizing it until 2005 - after they had succeeded with financial ruin and with isolating me from all possible sources of help. This is when they vamped it into more obvious levels. Since then I have repeatedly reached out for help, in every way that I know how, and have found no one who is willing or able to stand up against these crimes and help to expose and end them for all our sakes. Even my process of trying to attain help from a few decent people in the FBI appear to have been targeted in ways that appear to be infiltrations into the agency, and targetings of them, as well as through lasering my brain, in order to interfere with my reports and trigger extreme levels of anger toward them at strategic times. (It appears that it is not even safe for the FBI or foreign human rights organizations to stand up for/with me. . .and this is disconcerting to say the least!)
    Though the mind control part of the targeting sounds unbelievable, the Truth is that it is the key element that makes it all succeed and prevents help and is in DESPERATE need of public realization.
    Lately I am feeling too hurt and trapped and hope for my psychological survival is fading. I am in desperate need of honest, genuine, safe NON-covert protection and help, and for these crimes to be exposed and stopped, so that I can have a chance to recover and then freely live my life and do my work without criminal interference. I pray for this every day. . .and for humanity to be saved from these sorts of targeting, which appear to be rapidly growing/thriving, due to the secrecy that protects them. Please do all that you can to help expose and stop these crimes.

    I am a victim of covert targeting, which utilizes satellite surveillance, laser weapons, microwave weapons, psychotronic weapons and chemical warfare, as well as local stalking and harassment programs, since at least the mid 1970s. I am also a witness to the effects of technological targeting on many other people.
    I've been fighting to survive various levels of the targeting for nearly four decades. I've been begging for help since 2006. And I've been fighting to publicly expose these crimes since 2010, under conditions that are indescribably inhumane.
    Since 2001 I've experienced terrifying levels of covert targeting in Canada, Peru, Mexico and the USA. I was born and raised in the USA and have experienced heavy targeting in over a dozen states, including Hawaii, Arizona, Utah, California, Nebraska, Florida, Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and New York.
    The fact that I continue to experience relentless, sadistic, high tech Hitler-style targeting in a free country is disturbing to say the least. I was born and raised in the USA and have lived here for over 55 years. I fear that if our media and government does not openly stand up against these crimes and stand up for Freedom and Liberty. . .all of humanity will suffer indescribably.
    The remote technological mind control part of the targeting seems to be the most difficult for people to believe and will surely be the most difficult for our global governments to admit. But I pray this happens soon, because this is actually the most lethal part of the targeting process and appears to be happening to more than just those of us who are being heavily targeted and those whom we are/were closest to.
    I feel deeply hurt and scared - not just for myself, my loved ones and citizens of the USA, but also for citizens throughout the globe who are being targeted with technologies that are damaging our brains and bodies, and are preventing our natural process of personal and spiritual growth, in ways that can be irreparable.

On a More Personal Level

    I am a 55 year old woman (born in 1959) and am not the type of person whom most would think could be targeted. I lived an ordinary life style and owned my own country homes. I was a hard worker who ran my own businesses and had perfect credit before the targeting began pulling the rug out from under my feet. I had a passion for personal/spiritual growth, writing poetry and using herbal remedies.
    I had/have no criminal record and have not engaged in criminal activities. I was certainly not perfect, but was not even close to the kind of person that my government, or anyone else, could even begin to honestly classify as a criminal or a threat to my country or humanity. So I've seriously doubted the theory that this targeting is being done by only "the USA government." The core of the targeting against me feels like some sort of dark occult. . .one that has connections in (or perhaps control over) people in high governmental positions around the globe - one that has perhaps plugged me into a list of "possible terrorists" in order to make my own fellow citizens stalk and harass me on top of the other targeting.

    My situation seems different from most Targeted Individuals who are on the web. It appears that my whole family was targeted for the purpose of mild technological experimentation, since at least 1974. (I believe that my mother was heavily targeted.) I too was later singled out, for heavier targeting, for reasons that I am not yet sure of. Perhaps it is because I was not as susceptible to the mind control. Perhaps it was because of my heavy focus on the spiritual - on the Love and Light that Jesus, and others, came to teach us. Perhaps it was because of my mistakes, opinions or short comings. Perhaps it was all of these things. I wish I knew for sure.
    The targeting started out very inconspicuous with, what now appear to be, obvious vamp ups around 1974, 1977, the late 1980s to 1995, 2001, 2005 and 2011. By the early 1990s it now appears that my life was being infiltrated by members of what has seemed like some sort of dark occult. Their goal appeared to be to convert me, and/or gain control over me through coercion and through inflicting emotional pain - surrounding me with discord and one problem or crisis after another. (I believe that I was also being drugged through some of these periods of time.)
    It appears that mind control technologies and rumor campaigns were used, in order to turn my family and friends against me. . .and to turn me against them. (I had been close to most of my family and had a lot of good friends and neighbors, prior to the vamp up in the 1990s.) The manipulations set things up so that they blamed me and I either blamed them or felt like I had to get away from them, in order to stop the chaos. Those who could not be turned against me appear to have been heavily targeted and so overwhelmed with their own situation (as I am with mine) that this is what has kept us separate. This has been a consistent pattern in the targeting. It appears that some have even been inconspicuously murdered, either psychologically or physically.

    The rounds of chaos and difficulties, which surrounded me, followed me everywhere I went and remained so covert that I did not realize that I was being targeted until the end of 2005. Prior to that I could not even imagine that things like this were happening to people (especially not in the USA) - I thought I was just having a lot of bad luck and looked upon the difficulties as a spiritual challenge - as opportunities to feel and heal from what was happening to me. This outlook is what inspired most of my publications. (
    But what I've been experiencing, since 2005, is so cruel and so horrible that I sometimes wonder how I'm surviving it. The pain that I, and those whom I've been closest to, have been inflicted with has extended so far beyond excruciating that it has been impossible to fully process while being targeted.
    My life has become an intense struggle to survive while I am being almost continuously either microwaved, lasered, gripped with psychotronic weapons, stalked, harassed and sometimes threatened, drugged and attacked with chemicals or bacteria. There have even been a few direct attempts to harm or kill me in ways that would appear to be an accident. And the obvious aims to discredit me, through framing me for crimes and/or mental illness, have been intense to say the least.

    The saga relentlessly continues year after year and I feel like I'm not fully surviving it, at this point. I am getting worn down by round after round of vamped up targetings. However, I have deep faith in God/Love/Light, which is carrying me through these times when I am stumbling and feel like I am falling.

Sabotaging of my Work

    I launched into doing my life's work, in the late 1990s, with my second book, "Embracing Feelings." But the finished manuscript was destroyed in a suspicious fire, which raged through my home in 2001. I resurrected it into a book called,  Embracing Sadness  in 2003. In 2005 I cut loose with a publication called the Personal Journal and was hit so hard that I was forced into bankruptcy and into hospital emergency rooms on several occasions.

    By 2006, due to the targeting, I was destitute, had no one whom I could turn to for help or support. I was being microwaved so heavily that I nearly died in the 2006/2007 winter. I began recovering after I moved, changed my name, used the original essiac formula and walked and prayed and cried and wrote through the spring of 2007. This is when I decided to shift my work into a news paper format and wrote the first "Sharon's Bud" publication. But this was heavily targeted as well. Even my sponsors/adveretizers, in the second printing, appear to have been getting targeted.

    Other jobs I tried to get, in order to survive and resurrect my work, have been quickly, and sometimes painfully, sabotaged. (There has been over a dozen of them.) I have recently realized that my writings have been being tampered with - altered or erased since at least 2001. My computers are often infiltrated, and I often get threats and heavy doses of microwaves and laser shots when I write. . .making my published works rushed and fumbled attempts to continue my work. Over and over again I have been forced to pick up the broken pieces and start over.

    In the summer of 2010 I began working at gathering the hope, which had written "Embracing Feelings" in 1999; the inspiration, which started "The Personal Journal" in 2004; the strength that created "Sharon's Bud" in 2007; the courage that wrote "Out of the Dark"/"Into the Light" in 2010; and the Wisdom that is growing from my own mistakes and experiences. . .so that I could begin building them into "The Heart Bud" - into what my life's work was meant to be - a ray of light for the Heart of humanity.
    Though I have printed and distributed a few Heart Bud papers, the sabotaging has been so severe, against both myself and my advertisers, that it has not gotten far and is basically at a stand still at this point, except for on the web. At one point a phone company had even continuously changed my phone number, and refused to give it back to me, each time I printed up ads and business cards. This was BEFORE I was writing anything about the targeting and when I did NOT owe them any money.
    Some people think that the targeting would stop if I stop writing about it, but this is not so and it feels like a foolish way to blame me for what criminals are doing, instead of stopping the crimes. (This is like telling a rape victim to lock herself in a room, instead of taking the rapist off the street.) In some ways, the targeting was worse before I started writing about it. Exposing the targeting has made parts of it back off to some degree, although it has vamped up in other ways.
    When I look at the scope of what I've been through in the past few years, its a miracle that I am doing anything at all. I continue out of desperation for these crimes to be stopped, because I have seen to may people being too severely hurt, myself included. I feel trapped and in desperate need of a miracle that can provide me with the protection and financial help that I deeply need, in order to recover and regroup and continue my work on a larger scale.

    They say that God never deals us more than we can handle. I'm now feeling that this is not true. I can deal with the poverty I've been cast into. And I could deal with the losses and painful situations if I had private, peaceful time to process and heal. But having to deal with being held under constant satellite surveillance, with being almost constantly stalked and harassed, and with not having protection from microwaves being almost steadily blasted into my brain 24 hours a day, seven days a week, has proven to be too much for me to handle effectively. Its just too much! But with no respite in sight I do my best to survive and expose these crimes with hope for them to end. Through the past several years I've deeply prayed. . .

Dear God

Yes. I hear
The dreams you speak.
But I need more help.
I'm still weak.
Let me rest a while.
Inside the Love
You have for me.
Let me gain
The strength I need
To patch these holes
Where I still bleed.

More can be found on these sites;

My work is Bound to Touch Hearts;


Previous Postings

It has been difficult for me to figure out exactly why I've been targeted. But pieces to the puzzle have been slowly clicking together.

     Before I give you some of the puzzle pieces you should know that prior to the targeting vamping into levels that began destroying my life, I was an independent woman who owned a nice country home, which I was raising two beautiful daughters in. I had perfect credit and ran my own business aside from doing social work and teaching workshops.
    I had a passion for personal/spiritual growth, writing poetry and lyrics and using herbal remedies. I had/have no criminal record and have not engaged in criminal activities. I was certainly not perfect, but was not even close to the kind of person that my government, or anyone else, could even begin to honestly classify as a criminal or a threat to my country or humanity. So I've seriously questioned the theory that this targeting is being done by only "the USA government." Most of it feels more like some sort of dark occult. . .one that has connections in (or perhaps control over) people in high governmental positions around the globe.

    My situation seems different from most Targeted Individuals who are on the web. It appears that my whole family was targeted for the purpose of mild technological experimentation, since at least 1974. (I believe that my mother was heavily targeted.) I too was later singled out, for heavier targeting, for reasons that I am not yet sure of. Perhaps it was because I was not as susceptible to the mind control. Perhaps it was because of my heavy focus on the spiritual - on the Love and Light that Jesus, and others, came to teach us. Perhaps it was because of my mistakes, opinions or short comings. Perhaps it all of these things. I wish I knew for sure.

    The targeting started out very inconspicuously with obvious vamp ups around 1974, 1977, the late 1980s to 1995, 2001, 2005 and 2011. I am now realizing that by the early 1990s my life was being infiltrated by members of what seems like some sort of dark occult. Their goal appeared to be to convert me, and/or gain control over me through coercion and then through inflicting emotional pain - surrounding me with discord and one problem or crisis after another. (I believe that I was also being drugged through some of these periods of time.)
    It appears that they used mind control technologies and rumor campaigns, in order to turn my family and friends against me. . .and to turn me away from them. (I had been close to most of my family and had a lot of good friends, prior to the vamp up in the 1990s.) The manipulations set things up so that they blamed me and I either blamed them or felt like I had to get away from them, in order to stop the chaos. Those who could not be turned against me appear to have been heavily targeted - one suddenly died from an infliction of tumors, one ended up with severe brain damage...etc. (This has been a consistent pattern in the targeting - those who would have helped me, instead of turning against me, seem to have also been heavily targeted. . .sometimes inconspicuously murdered, either psychologically or physically.)
     I launched into doing my life's work, in the late 1990s, with the second version of my first book, "Embracing Feelings." But the finished manuscript was destroyed in a suspicious fire, which raged through my Potter Place, NH home (Also sometimes called Andover, NH).
     The rounds of chaos and difficulties, which surrounded me, followed me everywhere I went and remained so covert that I did not fully realize that I was being targeted until the end of 2005 when it vamped up around my Personal Journal publications. Prior to that I could not even imagine that things like this were happening to people - I thought I was just having a lot of bad luck and looked upon the difficulties as a spiritual challenge - as opportunities to feel and heal from what was happening to me. This outlook is what inspired most of my publications.
     What I've been experiencing, since 2005, is so cruel and so horrible that I sometimes wonder how I'm surviving it. The pain that I, and those whom I've been closest to, have experienced has extended so far beyond excruciating that it has been impossible to fully explain while being targeted.
    By 2006, due to the targeting, I was destitute, had no one whom I could turn to for help or support, and felt like I was being swarmed by vultures. Sadly, this is exactly what has been happening, through covert harassment programs as well as remote technological targeting. I was being microwaved so heavily that I nearly died in the 2006/2007 winter.
    I began recovering after I moved, changed my name, used the original essiac formula and walked and prayed and cried and wrote through the spring of 2007. (This is when I decided to shift my work into a news paper format and wrote the first "Sharon's Bud" publication.)
    Since 2007, my life has become an intense struggle to continue my work, while it is being sabotaged, and to survive while I am being almost continuously either microwaved, lasered, psychotroniced, stalked or harassed and sometimes threatened, drugged and attacked with chemicals or bacteria. There have even been a few direct attempts to kill me. The saga continues and I feel like I'm not fully surviving it, at this point. However, I have deep faith in God/Love/Light, which is carrying me through these times when I am stumbling and falling.

Below this line are statements, which I have made, from 2011 to 2014 as I struggle to make sense of it and document things that can help expose the targeting. The targeting often vamps up when I write about it, so it has been difficult, to say the least, for me to do this in an organized manor. So, please excuse the disarray. And please realize that there is FAR more to it than what I share here. And it seems like some of it has been erased, and I am not able to research what may be missing, at this point in time. One of the things I recently noticed is the hiding of my statement about my youngest daughter being born, in 1982, with a mild heart defect and 4 breasts. . . and that I believe this is due to being microwaved (possibly the fetus being experimented on) during my pregnancy. There were other odd things happening around this time. (Why was this part of my statement hidden? It is probably a significant batch of proof, along with the, below mentioned, experience I had with a doctor in my third month of pregnancy.

I am a 55 year old woman/writer who has undergone decades of severe rounds of covert harassment and various types of remotely inflicted electronic tortures and chemical warfare as well as continuously sabotaged work, homes, vehicles and relationships. One of my survival techniques has become working at making sense of it through looking back over the series of events that brought me to this devastating point in my life.

Over-all, there truly is no valid reason for this to be happening to me. I don't deserve it no matter what anyone else thinks of me or my work - ( In fact, I believe that even REAL criminals do not deserve this inhumane cruelty. Before the worst of this began, I was just an ordinary woman who was raising two children in a nice country home and trying hard to do the best I could for all of us.

My writings on the web and in my computers have been being infiltrated, making my published works rushed and fumbled attempts to expose this crisis and continue my work. Those who target me also interfere with my writings through blasting me with microwaves, shooting electromagnetic frequencies into my brain and lasering parts of my body, in order to inflict physical pain.

My favorite products are often either completely removed from the market or are discontinued in the stores, I go to.

I think that, in the past 4 years, as I fight to expose the targeting, I've sometimes been mind controlled into pointing fingers at things, which I'm not sure of, because my heart has wanted to remain neutral on the parts that I do not have direct experience with. ;-) Are you laughing? Seriously, though. This happened in early 2012 when I suddenly started blaming only HAARP for what was happening BEFORE HAARP was constructed, so there was obvious interference. There are other similar technologies, and the Russian SURA has the same capabilities as HAARP. I had known this, and had written about it BEFORE I was brainwashed into blaming only HAARP. There exists a confusing array of manipulations set up to lead us into the wrong directions and hide the Truths. But much can be learned just by watching this process - just by noticing what the criminal operatives try to stear us away from and point us toward. Manipulations can only perminently work if we let them.

I wish that the UNcontrolled parts of our media and governments would do the investigating, honest informing and caring prevention parts of this, because its too much for people like me to do alone. But until then we (Targeted Individuals) are launching into desperate attempts to inform the public, while being targeted. This is a difficult task, to say the least. It is certainly not the most effective way to expose these crimes. So please excuse our mistakes and disorganized writings, which has nothing to do with our intellect or credibility and EVERYTHING to do with the fact we are being shot with microwaves, our brains are being intruded upon with psychotronic weapons, and our writings are sometimes infiltrated and altered by those who target us. So please read between the lines and let your heart feel for us, because we are suffering in ways that you probably can not even begin to imagine.

Those who target us have been aiming to silence or discredit the few lone individuals who have been trying to inform the public, especially those of us who were already "Targeted Individuals." But they can only discredit us if you let them and if we continue to stand alone. Please don't let them and please let your Heart find the Courage to stand with us, for all of humanity. Please become aware that the discrediting comes in many forms; They sometimes fabricate, alter or interfere with our emails, letters, phone calls, phone messages, blog posts and web sites as well as instigating slanderous rumors on the web, in the media, in our communities and in our work places. Even our own families are turned against us with the use of mind control technologies and rumors planted by covert harassment groups. (I have experienced all of these things.) This is like a covert, high tech version of Hitler's holocaust. So, don't look for public or family "credibility" in me or anyone else on this subject, because truly knowing a person can only come through personal interaction, (during times when our brains are NOT being microwaved) and certainly not through rumors or slanders instigated by the criminals who target us. This is a situation where, probably more than any other, you are being called to listen, VERY closely, to the Heart of your own instincts above all else. And I hope you do so.

I feel that much of the rumors and miner mind control parts of the targeting could not succeed if people were aware of these crimes and how they are inflicted. Success of the covert manipulations rely on secrecy and those who perform them fight hard to retain it. But they can not continue to succeed unless you let them. Please don't let them - please become aware and help others to do the same.

Back to my personal testimony;

I am now completely separated from my children, family and friends. . .and am living in a vehicle most of the time. The fact that my children and I were not allowed to freely live our lives, without intrusive surveillance, criminal interference and lethal electronic targetings, feels like a knife in my heart. ITS JUST TOO HORRIBLY WRONG! We had dreams and plans and things we needed to do with our lives. (I cry as I write this.) My life feels like it has already been mostly destroyed and my pain runs deeper than words can even imagine. But I won't get into my feelings much in this statement.

Some of my recent memories have been pointing to the targeting starting in the 1960s - when my siblings and I were in grade school. I have even wondered if it followed my mother from the Montreal Canada area.

In 1974 I worked as a CNA in a nursing home at the Hillsborough County Farm facility in Goffstown, NH, which also contained a small hospital and low security prison. I now believe that this facility was being microwaved - possibly used in the MKULTRA mind control experimentation program.
    I witnessed some strange things in the Buchard building - things that can only be explained by inflictions into our patients from an unseen exterior force. I also had strange head aches while I worked there - types of head aches that did not exist prior to working there and disappeared when I left.

The targeting may have followed me home from that facility and focused on my family in more subtle ways, for the purpose of technological experimentation. (I was from a family of 8 that was not very social and lived on a remote farm in New Boston, NH)

I have also wondered if the targeting may have started, or vamped up, due to an estranged uncle who worked for the FBI. I know only three families of FBI personnel and all of them appear to be being targeted to some degree, mine included.

Around the year 2000 my concern shared and reported a prophetic dream, which showed criminal contamination of the Concord, NH public water supply. By May of 2001, most of my pets were dead or missing, my daughters and I were suddenly surrounded by at least 5 unusual deaths, unbelievable levels of chaos and a suspicious fire that raged through my Andover, (Potter Place) NH home, which destroyed most of my writings...etc. Life has been indescribably difficult since then.

   According to experts the mind control parts of Microwave Weapons are most successful on people who are taking mood altering drugs, like anti-depressants. (I have witnessed the Truth in this.) In 2008, news reports stated that these sorts of drugs were being found in around 24 major public water supplies in the USA. I do not believe that it is from "run off."

The targeting seriously vamped up in 2005, as I published "The Personal Journal," which shared more precognitive dreams about upcoming disasters and a "pretentious fiction" story called, "Heights of Wisdom," which was about an elderly woman, named Wisdom, who showed an eager politician how to save the world from evil forces that are connected with a men's group...etc. (I did not know, at the time, that my writings MAY have been intuitively picking up on what is really happening.) My intuition often weaves it way into my writings.

Aside from these things I guess there are other minor things that the leaders of this holocaust, and those who follow them, may not like: I am an independent, creative, free thinker.

Since giving birth to my children, I had been against children receiving mandatory vaccinations, simply because it does not feel right and my gut feeling was that it does more harm than good. I feel the same way about flu shots and other types of vaccines. I believe that there is corruption in the pharmaceutical companies and  that the drive to find cures has been steering too far from the natural cures that God planted in the Earth for us. . .and the consequence is a lot of harmful drugs.

 Since the mid 1980s I have encouraged the use of herbs and natural healing methods instead of using pharmaceuticals. I guess there are people who'd not like my beliefs.

I have never been very patriotic. I'm not against this country I was born in, (the USA) but I also empathize with its natives. I am glad to have been born in a free country like the USA. After a bit of traveling I feel more appreciative of the freedom I thought I had here. I love what the USA stands for, ("Liberty and Freedom for ALL") but I do not agree with the arrogant "we are best" attitude - I believe that each country has its good points and its bad points. . .and that when they find the heart to start sharing and stop comparing and competing and fighting the whole world will become a better place. I feel the same way about religions. (I am Christian, but am open to other ways and find value in aspects of other religions. . .so I'm more universal and open minded than modern Christianity.)

All of my writings, since the mid 1980s have been about healing the past and bringing more Love into our troubled world, through opening and following our Hearts. I guess evil forces can see this as a threat. And it DOES appear that part of the targeting is being done by a dark "christian" group. I do not understand how any REAL christian can justify engaging in such cruelty, but God is the one they will have to answer to, in the end.

Since 2011 I am often hit with debilitating levels of drugs, chemicals, microwaves, psychotronics or laser weapons. I am fighting to survive and expose the targeting, but its a gruelling process that I can not continue for much longer on my own.

Because of my focus on spiritual growth I had perceived many of the unusual psychotronic experiences as spiritual phenomenon. Through the first couple decades of the targeting, I had not known about electromagnetic frequencies being used for remotely inflicted torture and mind control. And I had not realized the stealth of organized stalking and harassment groups.

In 1981, during my pregnancy with my second daughter, a doctor told me that my child was dead and that, because I was not miscarrying he should perform an abortion. I believed him and went for the appointment, but at the last minute - while sitting on his table, I suddenly had a really bad feeling about it and decided not to go through with it. He became angry and told me I was putting my own life in danger if I didn't have the abortion. I walked out of his office and had a beautiful baby girl about 6 months later.

However she was born with a minor heart defect, four breasts and her baby teeth were rotted. I believe it was from my being microwaved during my pregnancy. Or were they experimenting on her in the womb? The thought of them targeting pregnant women and unborn children and babies soars beyond criminal! Why crowds of law enforcement are not leaping up to stop these atrocities can only be explained by widespread debilitating remote mind control. Most of humanity has too much Heart to be allowing this on its own accord.

In 1985 and 1986 I had two surgeries on my spine. Both were surrounded by unusual incidences. Prior to these surgeries I'd been healthy and had never had heart problems, but suddenly my heart was often not beating normal and I began feeling unusually fatigued. . .and weird things slowly started happening in my life.

After the first surgery my husband started treating me in ways that were not like him. The primary thing that now makes me fully believe that he was experiencing some sort of mind control is remembering when he suddenly became sexually forceful. This was so completely opposite from who he was that it was scary. His other behaviors, through this time, had also suddenly changed and he became like a thorn in my side, sabotaging things and degrading me and playing mind games...etc. We'd been married for nearly a decade before his sudden change in behaviors, and he had NEVER been like this before. Its like he became a different person. And I ended up divorcing him.

After the divorce, (around 1992) which left my daughters and I alone in our country home, stranger things began happening, like my pic-nic table being moved while I was away from home and my oldest daughter suddenly having spurts of uncharacteristic behavior. Problems with my furnace backfiring for no apparent reason, constant prank phone calls...etc. I believe that I was also being drugged through this time period, because I felt unusually numb.

By around 1990 my sister also started behaving so strangely that I told my whole family that I needed time to myself, which ended up being a complete separation due to the confusing mess that followed my request for time. The family separation was filled with many confusing occurrences, which I now feel were instigated by Hitler-style manipulations at a time when none of us were aware of being targeted.

After the divorce and family separation my life was slowly infiltrated with new groups of people, whom I am now realizing included members of organized stalking groups and some sort of dark occult. One of them - "a military bratt" psychologist, had even rented a room in my home.

Around 1994 I had tried to reconnect with my family of origin, but my father had told me that this "would not be a good idea, because everyone was so angry" with me. It was unusual for my father to keep me from the family, especially since he now blames me for his not having contact with my daughters. And there was no reason, that I knew of, for anyone in the family to be remaining so angry with me that they'd never want to see me again. I found this really confusing. Looking back at it, I realize that there were obvious manipulations happening, which none of us were aware of.
    I believe that every person I was close to, became victims of remote electronic mind control, if they were not already.

In 1995 my own government took my Loudon, NH home and destroyed my business through their "rights of eminent domain." (They never compensated me for the loss of my business. This process was dragged on for over a year and was done with shocking cruelty - with threats to shove me into poverty if I spoke to the media after the Manchester Union Leader took off with a dishonest article about their taking of my home. Everyone who knew me knew that there was something wrong with this un-necessary taking of my home, in order to move a road that did not really need moving. But nobody did anything about it. There seemed to be nothing that could be done. Even local lawyers refused to help me. (My name was Sharon Buck at this time - but I had changed it to Namatari Neachi near the end of this taking of my home.)

In the late 1990s I was referred, by a "friend," to a dentist who suddenly cut an un-necesary deep gash into my upper gums. At the time I thought he was just psycho and I never returned to him. But I now wonder if he installed a micro chip.

After the death of my regular doctor, I also had strange experiences with a new doctor that this same "friend" had recommended. My medical records were sent to the new doctor and are now missing and she claims that I was never her patient. Due to this and some of her other behaviors, I now believe that she is a severe mind control victim.

Around 1999, after ending a 4 year relationship, with a man who was VERY obviously targeted and perhaps even a perpetrator, more weird things began happening. . .like doors slamming in my house in the middle of the night, my getting sudden flares of fatigue, fevers, nausea, plants suddenly dyeing in my garden and home, birds suddenly not coming around my home...etc.

Around the year 2000 I went parachuting with someone and the instructor, whom I was lined up to jump with, suddenly decided to take someone else before me, because they were in a rush. After this jump the instructor told me that his parachute failed to open and that he was not going back up that day. He ended up OK because he realized it soon enough to cut off the malfunctioning chute and open an emergency back up one. He and his student could have been killed! I WAS THE ONE WHO WAS SUPPOSED TO BE WITH HIM ON THAT JUMP! Was this a terrorizing tactic or a coincidence or was that broken chute meant for me? I may never know for sure. But along with everything else it is difficult to believe that it is just coincidental.

By the spring of 2001 most of my pets were suddenly either dead or missing. One daughter had been suddenly hospitalized with an unexplainable neurological problem, which effected her speech and motor skills. . .and seemed to leave her with some form of minor brain damage, because she has not been the same since then. My other daughter was being brainwashed by a perpetrator through chat rooms on the internet and secret late night phone calls. The chief of police in our home town was ripping into me in public parking lot - trying to make it look like I was the criminal, because I hiring a private investigator to help save my daughter from a New Jersey pimp. (My daughter had turned up missing - we lost her for two days. This was a terrifying experience for me. I guess only a mother who's had a missing child can understand why I had hired a private investigator.) I had blamed the Chief and saw him as a perpetrator. But now that I understand more of the manipulative targeting process, wonder if those who targeted me had slanderd me in my local Police Department so that  they would not be there for me as the targeting vamped up.

My healthy dog had suddenly died of a strange infliction, which sounds like some of the reports about remote medical experimentations. The vet said her spline had been twisted, but that there was no physical/medical explanation for it.

In may of 2001, when my home burned down in a suspicious fire, ironically there were two other fires on the same day, which distracted the fire marshal from doing more investigating into what REALLY happened to my home. The process to put out the fire was "suspicious," said the fire marshal. The fire seemed to have been put out and then re-started. . .destroying my writings, a list of personal contacts and thousands of dollars, which I had been in a room next to the one where the fire had started and had originally been contained to.

I believe that my oldest daughter has been severely targeted on many levels also. . .to the point of her mind being adversely effected. Aside from the sudden attack that hospitalized her, when she was around 16 years old, she also experienced sudden unusual numbers of deaths of friends - one that was WAY too strange - Her friend's mother was reported to have just suddenly murdered her two grandchildren and then herself. (She was NOT a person who could have done such a thing on her own accord!!!!) Then her friend's boyfriend was reported to have shot himself in front of her - committing suicide. (I do not believe that this was natural either.) This same daughter later found another friend dead in his apartment. She is also a victim of remote directed energy weapons and has all the physical symptoms. From a young age she has had unusual weight gain and sudden periods of rashes. And since the mid 1990s, she's had unusual head aches, hair loss, swollen gums, mood swings...etc. - all the same symptoms that I've had with the electronic attacks. The perpetrators have repeatedly told me that they are going to kill her! As far as I know, it looks like they have been aiming to do just that and already have her surrounded with perpetrators.

In 2006 I was given a message, which said, "Your children will be Ok if you leave." Those who target us have wanted me to sell my soul, in order to save my children and other loved ones. They want me to go with them. They have since continuously vamped up targeting and then zoomed in. . .pretending to be a covert rescue that is taking me to a place that they call "home." But I know that their "home" is not mine. And I feel that I must stay here and fight to expose these crimes if there is any hope for any of us to survive.

(These events are all surrounded by countless other painful incidences, which are too many to list here.)

In the year following the fire I felt numb and weak and couldn't think straight....beyond what normal shock would induce. I felt like I had been drugged, but it may have been microwaves. I traveled a lot, which I guess saved me from what could have been worse. I now realize that I was being inconspicuously stalked and sabotaged each time I tried to settle somewhere, meditate, write or pick up the pieces of my already shattered life. . .even in Peru, Nova Scotia and Hawaii.

In December 2001 I took off to hibernate and heal in my "Adirondack Shack," - a little cabin, which I purchased in the upstate New York wilderness. But my desperately needed respite was repeatedly interrupted by various people.

In August 2002 my youngest brother, Kevin, was suddenly killed in a mysterious vehicle accident, shortly after I had re-connected with my family of origin. (Kevin is the only family member that I had met with during the separation.) Many people knew that there was something suspicious about my brother's "accident" but, as people aimed to figure it out, my cousin suddenly died of a heart attack. (Coincidence or another distraction from criminal activity?) I know the answer, especially since the investigators tried switching into investigating my sanity after I expressed that I did not think my brother's death was an accident. . .and instead of finding out how my brother REALLY died. A few months before his death, he had called me and said that something strange was going on at his house and that my father was suddenly behaving oddly.

    Just a couple days BEFORE my little brother's death, a puppet/perpetrator, had come to me and told me that he was concerned about his little brother suddenly dieing. I have since realized that this is a common tactic of the most evil parts of the targeting - they actually cryptically/covertly tell me what they are going to do. . .like a cat playing with a mouse before the lethal strike! (Nobody will ever be able to convince me that the leaders of the targeting are not satanic.)

In 2003, my father received some sort of email or letter, which he was extremely upset with me about. He refused to tell me what it said, (which was odd) but he obviously thought it was from me. At the time I thought it was something my sisters had jealously done, in order to come between my father and I. I now feel sure that the perpetrators were responsible for whatever was written to hurt my father and once again destroy my relationship with him, irregardless of who they did it through. The final destruction of our relationship came in 2004 after repeated calls from my sister, which tried to convince me that I needed mental help... and a call where my father tried to convince me that I was mentally ill. I hung up on him and prayed for answers and wondered of he was right. . .and then had a dream, which suggested that my father had been sexually inappropriate with me as a child. I now believe that this dream was delivered via a psychotronic weapon, but at the time, I believed it and thought this was why he was driving against me in ways that were unfair and uncalled for...etc. THIS RIPPED INTO MY HEART LIKE NOTHING ELSE I'D EVER EXPERIENCED! And it later hurt him through my confronting him in 2006, after he made a similar call to my oldest daughter. . .again driving against me.
    Now that I am aware of the technologies that can remotely project dreams into people's heads and effect their thinking and belief system, It explains a lot. I firmly believe that this dream was NOT a real dream, and that the vague memories which followed it, were brainwashings. I now believe that both my father and I were/are victims of the cruelest forms of microwave mind control.

   I believe that my father is a long term mind control victim and the pain we have both suffered, through the manipulations to tear us apart and cover the targeting, is indescribable and just too much to fully feel and face while still being targeted.

Through the summer and fall of 2003, my sister kept leaving messages on my phone which stated things like, "come home Sharon we just want to get you the help you need..." These were delivered in a tone that was so obviously sick and psychopathic that I began feeling scared, not only for her, but for myself. (I now feel certain that she is a victim of mind control as well.)

This theme of me suddenly becoming "mentally ill" seemed to begin directly after I'd reported my suspicions that my little brother's death was not accidental and had asked for further investigations from state officials. Though two other members of my family had previously realized that something was "off" about his "accident" they soon became convinced that I had a mental problem for thinking it was anything but a normal accident. The manipulations surrounding my little brother's death have me convinced that he was indeed murdered - perhaps with some sort of laser weapon or drug that made him fall asleep while driving down a river bank in a 4 wheeler. (Medical reports say that he was unconscious BEFORE he hit the water. He did not drown.)

In January and February 2004 I had a nasty run in with one of these perpetrators, in California. This man even had secret rooms in his homes - rooms that contained bunk beds and computers. After I left I had a dream that he "had tried to plant a chip in my body, in order to control me sexually..." I did not understand what this meant at the time. It is now more clear. There is a lot more to this than I mention here. I was lucky to have escaped.

The targeting hit severe levels in 2005, as I tried to take off with a publication, which focused on healing the past and bringing more Love into humanity, but also contained prophetic dreams about upcoming flood disasters. (I now see how this may have been a threat to criminals who planned to orchestrate such disasters with weather modification and laser weapon technologies.") I have had a lot of severe targeting and manipulations surrounding my forewarnings of disasters.. . .sabotaging the chance for anyone to take me seriously.

Within the seven issues of "The Personal Journal" I also wrote a FICTION story called "Heights of Wisdom", which included a statement, by a woman named. "Wisdom", about a dark/evil leader who pretended to be working with God, but is really evil and causes mass destruction in the world. It also included a comment about a secretly evil men's group, which politicians belong to. Are these things true? My intuitive side often comes out in my writings. But without concrete facts exposed Truth is difficult to know for sure.

In June of 2005, when I first started putting out the "forewarnings of Disasters" my estranged sister suddenly exploded into a public slander, on the internet - trying to declare me a "paranoid schitzophremic" and "evil." This was extremely unusual, at the time, not only unusual that she'd do such a thing publicly, but also unusual in the fact that EVERYONE who knew me knew I was the opposite of paranoid and evil. I had traveled all over the USA, Canada, Peru and Hawaii, ALONE. . .and never locked my doors and left keys in my cars...etc. I was well known as being "TOO trusting" and too fearless.

The most obvious threats and weird phone calls started up in 2005. Prior to this, I'd just thought I was having a lot of bad luck and that people in the world were becoming too rude and too heartless. But by the end of 2005 is when I realized that something was horribly wrong - that I was being "targeted". But I had assumed that it was some sort of small local occult that was against my writings. . .and I continued perceiving the technological things as a physical illness or spiritual experiences, because I was not aware of the existence of microwave weapons. . .or their criminal use on human beings.

As I wrote and distributed "The Personal Journal", I was constantly hit hard. I struggled with periods of severe pain in my head, dizziness, nausea, hair loss and numbness...etc. I thought that I was becoming terminally ill and put more focus into my writing. . .in an effort to complete my life's work. As I did this my printing machines kept malfunctioning. My computers kept crashing. My whole neighborhood was suddenly gone in a flash flood, from an unusual concentration of rain in a stalled storm, which formed a lake behind a "plugged culvert"... (four of my neighbors were killed...etc.!)

Directly after the flood, a writer and her husband zoomed in to "help" me, because I no longer had a home to go to. When I got to their home my vehicle was boxed in so that I could not leave without them moving their own vehicles. (There was plenty of room for this to not have to be this way) While I was there I was drugged and raped. I lost over a week of time and was brainwashed into thinking that my neighbor's deaths were my fault. After I got away from them I was receiving threatening phone calls. An untruthful news paper article was written about me, a radio station was slandering me. . .etc. (My legal name was Namatari Neachi at this time.)
    When I later reported the rape to their local police chief, nothing was done about it and the tire on my car suddenly went flat while I was in the police station talking to the chief. He seemed involved in the cover up.

Since the summer of 2005, many people, whom I didn't even know, suddenly started treating me rudely everywhere I went (Worse than ever) Even my own children began turning against me in ways that were confusing and demeaning. (I had been very close to my children) And I continued to feel physically ill, although I'd spent a lot of money on medical testing, in 2003, which came up with nothing wrong with me. I'd ended up in emergency rooms on several occasions. . .with sudden loss of depth perception, blurred eye sight, hearing loss, nausea, severe pain in my head and loss of balance...etc.

In 2006 I was lured to Alexandria Bay, NY by one of the higher level perpetrators and nearly lost my life on more than one occasion, while I was there. I heard that this area is a base for a satanic occult. The hell I went through while being stranded there could fill a whole book!

Since 2005 I have also been receiving cryptic threats and what appears to be repeated attempts to kill me in ways that would look like a natural death or an accident. Among other things, brakes on my vehicles seem to often be tampered with to the point of sudden loss of brakes, while I am driving. This could become a long list, so I'll just say that. . . my vehicles have been tampered with a lot.

In 2006, when I publicly declared that my physical illness was being caused by harmful energy that was being directed at me by some sort of dark/satanic occult, I felt this truth to the core of my soul. (Everyone thought I was nuts, but it turns out that I wasn't that far off - I just did not yet know that the "energy" was electromagnetic frequencies - microwaves.) After publicly sharing this I was severely attacked and had a dream where someone said, "You have Lupus" just before I fully woke. After I went to the hospital, and was tested for every thing else that could have elevated my SED rate so severely, the lupus diagnosis was confirmed and I was told that I was near death. Those who target me thought this psychotronicly projected dream would cover up the targeting, and it may in the eyes of everyone else, but this merely proved to me that lupus is caused by the energy attacks, because I trusted my inner sight. After I declared this, they suddenly again tried covering things up and pretended that I did not really have lupus. Apparently they forgot the written documentation I had gotten from the doctors, which I have since copied and delivered to several people for safe keeping.
   The multitude of covert attempts on my life, after I came to the realization that lupus is caused by microwaves, have confirmed it.
   Since then I have noticed these sorts of patterns happening a lot. The attacks worsen when I focus on my writings and especially when I intuitively hit on a truth that they do not want the public to know about. (In fact, since I added this statement, I am undergoing another severe attack.)

In 2006 I learned, through the stalkers shoving it in my face, that my writings were being plagiarized. One of my songs became a hit song and later. . .a best selling book had obviously taken off with ideas and even names out of my Personal Journal publications. The criminals seemed to be doing this to hurt me, to anger me. . .obviously to intentionally make one of my fears come true, because they sent me emails bragging about how their book put it all in a more "positive" way...etc. (In this summer of 2006 my business email address had been taken over. and this was not the first time that I'd lost an email account.)

  In the spring of 2007 I borrowed money to escaped Upstate New York, where I'd rented a house from a perpetrator,. . .and found a small cabin on the coast of Maine where I focused on healing and produced the first issue of "Sharon's Bud." At this point I still did not know I was being targeted with technologies and felt like I may not have much longer to live, so I poured my heart into a batch of writings for the heart of humanity. I didn't do a very good job of it, but it was the best I could do under the circumstances.

In 2008, while I was producing the second issue of "Sharon's Bud," my youngest daughter had a strange experience, which sounded the same as what Targeted Individuals go through with V2K attacks. My daughter had been a good healthy person and this was not normal for her. This was an isolated experience, which terrified her and made her feel so ashamed that she made me promise not to tell anyone, but I am telling it for the sake of her own future safety. . .and that of all of humanity. (It is the secrecy around these criminal attacks, which enable them to continue.) In that same year she also suddenly woke with bruises in the shape of finger prints on the inner part of her upper arm. I believe she was drugged and raped.

Also in 2008 I sent a letter to my aunt, who was a Canadian Nun (I was wanting to go see her about this targeting stuff) and after a month of no response, I found out (through the internet) that she had suddenly died right around the time when she'd have gotten my letter. A similar thing also happened in 2006, when I was about to go see my Aunt Francis. She suddenly died before I could get to her. And in 2001, when I was about to purchase land from, and go live near, my friend Jim in Canada...he suddenly died of a heart attack. All coincidence?

In recent years, after I asked for answers as to why I am being targeted, a Veteran pulled into the  parking lot I was in. I got out of my car to hand him an information paper and he said something like, "All military men are brainwashed" and "The worst part is the children..." This seemed to be a covert answer to my question, because it quoted what I had said to a neighbor in the late 1980 to early 1990s. Did the targeting vamp up because of this statement I made in the privacy of my own home?  It was one of those off the wall statements that was probably my intuition sneaking out, because I had said it out of concern for her little brother who was aiming to go into the services. I meant no disrespect. I was just really, for an unexplainable reason, concerned for him. I now understand why.
    I now believe that some military personnel are victims of complete mind control and are being used to perpetrate us - their own fellow citizens. Many of the vehicles that stalk me have veteran license plates - especially the more aggressive ones. They have repeatedly tried to run me off the road. My phone has sometimes been disabled before they surround me. One of them recently parked next to me and yelled, "You know what is going to happen if you don't STAND DOWN!" And the list goes on. But I now feel that they are victims as well. . .that most of them think they are protecting our country and do not know that the covert program they follow is infiltrated and that decent common citizens are being put on some sort of terrorist hit list by criminals who are targeting ALL of us.

In December 25, 2009 I ended up in the Portsmouth, NH emergency room with symptoms that mimicked a mild case of anthrax exposure. This suddenly started when I breathed in something that was placed in my room at a rooming house, in York Maine where two Navy boys had moved in directly after I had. The hospital refused to run tests and assumed that I was mentally ill. I remained in a lot of pain and having a hard time breathing and was suddenly coughing up huge globs of mucus that had little back dots in it. This was not normal! I had not had a cold or been ill prior to this attack. As I tried calling other places for help, ironically, someone else IN THAT SAME AREA reported an anthrax exposure (supposedly from a raw hide drum) and officials would not listen to me, because they were suddenly flooded with phone calls - an anthrax scare. (I now believe that this was a distraction. And it confirms, to me, that I was INDEED hit with anthrax.) These sorts of distractions have also happened with police departments - when I go to report an obvious part of the targeting, the department I am heading for, is suddenly flooded with calls and can not help me. . .and then the attacks against me get even worse.

In Feb of 2010 I was living in my car and writing "Out of the Dark"/"Into the Light" book while being constantly harassed by organized stalkers. In this book I tried and failed to figure out who was targeting me. . .who was paying these people to come after me. I had not yet fully understood what was happening.

In 2010 and 2011 I aimed to resurrect "Sharon's Bud" into "The Heart Bud" and printed two issues of this publication. . .against unbelievable odds. Through this process I was hit with one obstacle after another. My phone company kept changing my phone number. THREE of my largest sponsors suddenly had disasters happen to them within a couple weeks of its first printing. One was held at knife point in a robbery. One had water pipes suddenly burst above his shop. And my closest supporter was suddenly hit with unusual physical injuries and the strange suspicious death of his father. You may call this a "coincidence" but I know its not. Can you imagine what it feels like to know that if I do the work I was born to do, people I care about and people who support me will be harmed, tortured, or attacked???!!! Those who target me tell me that its my fault. In my heart I know that if I don't continue with my work they will still be harming and destroying people. I'm not their only target and they were targeting me long before I started publicly sharing ANY of my writings and WAY before I recently started exposing the targeting in my writings. So I try to continue in the ways that I can, but its hard. . .not only to know that they will be hurting other people for it, but also because they keep successfully preventing my writings and even altering them in ways that can make people not trust or believe me...etc. I have hoped that, as I continue, the targeting will become obvious enough to engage the law enforcement help we need, in order to start saving ALL of humanity from these sorts of crimes. But this has not happened and I am no longer able to do much of my work.

In the spring of 2011, I was yanked off the floor in a department store and rushed to the hospital, by ambulance, due to a sudden attack of severe vomiting, inability to see properly or stand up or walk. At first I had assumed it was from the water I drank just before the attack. But I now feel that it was probably due to electromagnetic frequencies being shot into my brain, at a strategic time, that would just make me look nuts if I had said that my water was drugged.

Summer of 2011: I had begun sharing some of my experiences with a CNN news team member. . .and then suddenly his son was found dead. Another "coincidence" or another distraction from the public finding out about this? I think his sons death was another inconspicuous murder. But I have no way of proving it.

In August, 2011 I was roped in by a "Private Investigator" woman who offered to help me, but ended up being a perpetrator who lured me to her home, set off gun shots in the middle of the night and then tried to convince me that it was a man I knew. She'd told me that all the stalking and terror in my life would end if "we eliminate him . .". My response was shock. And she persisted - repeatedly saying things like, "If you can't do it, I'll do it for you. I became a Private Investigator so I could take out these guys and beat them at their own game. Don't you want this to end? Don't you want it over? Don't you...etc?" She tried to convince me that all my troubles would be over if this man was "done in." or if we "eliminate" him. (This is when I first began finding out the deeper truths about the whole "Targeted Individual" process and that I had already been a victim of it for a very long time without realizing the full scope of it.)   

   Since I left and reported this woman to the police, I have been through literal hell, with constant around the clock gang stalking, threats, being drugged, being shot with lasers, what feels like, high pitched pain inducing scans of my brain...etc. (Far worse than in previous years.) There even seems to have been a few attempts to abduct me and to harm me.

I feel that the only reason I am still here is because I've kept on the move and have been sleeping and living in my vehicle under surveillance cameras as much as possible. And because God seems to be taking care of me in ways that are even shocking me.

I feel that every person, whom I had been close to, became victims of mind control, especially the family members whom I had been closest to, even though they are not all aware of it. This has become VERY evident in their uncharacteristic (even cruel) behaviors toward me. They are decent people who would be here for me if they were not being heavily influenced to do otherwise. I am 200% sure of this. I continue finding forgiveness for their inability to stand with me in this brutal fight, because they are victims too.

Recently I had tried to re-connect to some of my old friends (the ones who were real) and have been shocked to find that they have been severely targeted without even being aware of it. One told me that she has completely lost her memory and thinks she must have "fallen and hit her head" and has spent years trying to retrain her brain. Whatever is controlling her now seems extremely dark. My closest friend had lost her memory of me and now has an aneurysm. . .and her whole family had been hit with death and heart attack...etc., in 2005, when she tried to re-connect with me. Another friend is experiencing strange "accidents" and has had his licence to practice medicine taken from him. Since I let him know that we are ebing targeted, I have not heard from him and he does not return my calls. . .and Ihave no doubt that there is some sort of manipulation happening, in order to keep us from being witnesses for each other and from standing together. This is a regular pattern.
   Another friend knew we were being targeted, but also thought it was being done via spiritual channels and by the man whom we were both associated with at a Yoga Center. She demonstrated unusual levels of anxiety at the mere mentioning if his name...etc. This is the same man who lured me to Upstate NY in 2006.
   Another friend who had been a vibrant reiki practitioner is suddenly in a wheel chair and seems to not be the same person she used to be. Most of my old friends will not even answer my phone calls, although nothing had ever happened between us to justify this. I am sure that if I wanted to do more digging there would be even more shocking finds. It could be that my calls are being redirected and they are not even getting my calls. But I am now certain that some of those "friends" were actually operatives/perpetrators that were planted into my life - and not friends at all. This infiltration seemed to start around 1990.

My writings have been being tampered with - altered or erased since at least 2001. All of the accounts I open on the web to share my experiences, seem to be tampered with. Emails get altered or do not reach their destination...etc.

I am still under around the clock surveillance by organized stalking groups and am being almost constantly scanned and/or tortured with Microwave Weapons. I have undergone severe levels of psychological harassment and tortures. It also seems like I am periodically attacked with chemicals and/or drugs. Some bring on sudden light headedness and vision impairment. Some burn my lungs. Some create sudden burning rashes on my skin - like when something was put in my shoes. Sometimes something is done that makes me feel like my skin is being bitten by bugs, although there are no bugs - (This recently happened TWO TIMES, directly after I got an email offering "remedies for bed bugs.") There are no bed bugs. But in 1995 and 2006 I had two homes repeatedly infested with unusual accumulations of fleas. Another time it seemed like something was put in my shampoo, which made my hair and skull feel. . .indescribably strange. I have had similar experiences with tooth paste.

My writing business was forced into bankruptcy in 2007. Other jobs I try to get since then are quickly sabotaged one way or another - perhaps because they are to enable my real work - my writings. Each time I try to take off with a new publication I am hit hard by organized stalking groups and remote electronic attacks. Thisi was happening long before I was writing anything about the technological parts of the targeting. And the list goes on. . .

People are now saying that the technological capabilities of remote mind control did not exist until recently or that it is only "on the horizon" BUT THIS IS NOT TRUE! Evidence is beginning to surface to show that these types of crimes were happening since World War Two. I now feel certain of their experimentating on us since the 1970s.

If you are thinking I am insane, at this point, you should know that I have sometimes wished that were true, because insanity would be a heck of lot easier to deal with than what I've had to face, endure, experience and witness. YES, some of my experiences may be "coincidence" but NOT many of them and certainly not ALL of them. And there is FAR more than I list here and NOBODY has this much happening to them, naturally.

At this point I have already lost almost everything that is important to me. My life has already been mostly destroyed. It is not "courage" that drives my pen, it is anger at the injustice and cruelty toward myself, people whom I love and the rest of humanity. I write because there is nothing else I can do about this, because these criminals have me in a place where I am trapped and homeless...etc. I'm not doing well and I do not have much left to lose and the rest of humanity has way too much to lose if these crimes are not exposed and stopped. In my heart I feel that the Truth will eventually be shown, but only if enough of us stand up and speak out.

This is a minute fraction of the past couple decades. My full story is truly unbelievable. It could fill a few books. My fight to survive this, on emotional, mental and physical levels, has been long and more difficult than words can even begin to express.
   I didn't know I had so much inner strength. Each time I reach the end of my rope I somehow bounce back. My faith has carried me through a lot of it. But I don't know how much longer I can survive, which is partly why I am writing this. I hope it helps to validate at least one other Targeted Individual. . .and helps them to realize that they are not crazy - that the only COMPLETE insanity in ALL our situations exists in those who perform such cruelty.

I think my most painful losses are that of my own two children. Watching them harm my children and there being nothing I can do to protect them, and no one who will help us, is indescribably painful. My other worst loss is the ability to freely do what I was born to be doing with my life - the loss of my personal Freedom, my work and the harm that has been inflicted upon my heart.

I have been repeatedly threatened to stop writing. But I am still writing, because I feel that hope for all of humanity can only exist if this horrible "Targeting" and torturing of innocent people is completely exposed and then stopped. I feel that they will keep on targeting people, even if I stop speaking out, so there is no point in stopping. Writing is my/our only hope. I just pray that people will find the heart and wisdom to look past whatever manipulations the perpetrators surround my writings with. . .and the mistakes that come from my own moments of confusion and overwhelm.

I wrote the following sarcastic song on 7/11/2011 as I cried and drove and sang while being stalked by military puppets.

I pray for a world of peace
Love for those who are in need
No one left alone to bleed
I dream. I dream. I dream.

Must be because I am insane.

I see rich people filled with greed
Stealing from those who are in need -
Controlling this crumbling country.
I see. I see I see.

Must be because I am insane.

I see people fighting for their lives
Darkness turning day to night
People thinking its alright.
I cry. I cry. I cry.

Must be because I am insane.

Occults bleeding hearts and souls
Hiding things that we don't know
Evil aiming for control.
I know. I know. I know.

Must be because I am insane.

There are people trying to silence me
In a world that we think is free.
Things I wish I could not see.
I flea. I flea. I flea.

Must be because I am insane.

I pray for a world of peace
Love for those who are in need
No one left alone to bleed
I dream. I dream. I dream.

Must be because I am insane.

In short, the past couple decades of my life, especially since 2001, have been filled with a depth of difficulty that is nearly unbelievable. I've struggled to hold onto my Faith through invasions of my homes, vehicles, email accounts, phones, body, brain, computers...etc.; Through being technologically targeted and ridiculed, through being plagiarized, slandered, harassed, stalked and even forced to fight for my life on a few occasions: through sabotaged jobs and relationships; through homelessness and sudden deaths or painful targeting of the only loved ones whom I could turn to for help...etc. Its taken a few divine interventions to keep me going thus far. Through this turmoil my writings have veered into a fight for justice - a fight for my life and a fight to help save humanity from technological targeting.

I've done my best to continue my work in ways that I can, but seem to be shoved two steps back after each step I take forward. I have tried, more times than I can now count, to get other jobs, but they seem to be sabotaged almost as fast as I get them, sometimes even before I get them. Before I realized that my jobs were being sabotaged I had foolishly thought that they were just "not meant to be" and that I needed to do only my writings instead. But no matter what I do it is interfered with or destroyed. And other jobs have merely enabled painful vamp ups in the targeting. The covert operation that targets me is so huge that there seems no escaping it. No matter where I go. . .there it is! I feel trapped in the destruction they create around me. I need a miracle. I really do.

Through the past few years I've been feeling too tired and overwhelmed to do a good job with my writings, while also struggling to navigate the obstacles and turmoil that the perpetrators throw into my path, which has often left me homelessness in a world that sometimes seems too cruel, greedy and heartless to even care to help me. I'm sorry to be so blunt. Its just that I've experienced so much of the dark side of humanity, in the past few years, that it has crushed my previous, naive perceptions. I've found the humility to ask for help over and over again, and have gotten too much of the opposite. However, I still feel the good in humanity. Its just not being allowed to blossom for me right now. Recently, some who'd treated me so horribly have suddenly changed their tune since I wrote about it and since they think they may be watched. But there have been many who have genuinely helped me in small ways, and many little miracles that have saved me from far worse than what I have been through, and I am thankful for that.

They say that God never deals us more than we can handle? I'm now feeling that this is not true. I can deal with the poverty I've been cast into. And I can deal with the losses and painful situations I've needed to heal from. But having to deal with being held under constant satellite surveillance, people I most constantly stalking and harassing me, and not having protection from microwaves being almost steadily blasted into my brain, has proven to be too much for me to handle effectively. Its just been too much!

In the summer of 2010 I began working at gathering the hope, which had written "Embracing Feelings" in 1999; the inspiration, which started "The Personal Journal" in 2004; the strength that created "Sharon's Bud" in 2007; the courage that wrote "Out of the Dark"/"Into the Light" in 2010; and the Wisdom that is growing from my own mistakes and experiences. . .so that I could begin building them into "The Heart Bud" - into what my life's work was meant to be - a ray of light for the Heart of humanity. Though I have printed and distributed and few, as well as other papers, which expose this crisis, the sabotaging has been so severe, against both myself and my advertisers, that it has not gotten far and is basically at a stand still at this point, except for on the web.

When I look at the scope of what I've been through in the past few years, my mind can form a good excuse for feeling so tied up, but my heart knows that I need to be in a better place within myself. . .in order to FULLY continue my work. I need protection and safety and time to recover -  I need protection from the remote directed energy weapons and harassment, in order to regain my balance and fully continue with my life's work. I need the miracle that can provide this. Through the past few years I've deeply prayed,

Dear God
by Sharon R. Poet
I hear the dreams you speak.
But I need more help.
I'm still weak.
Let me rest a while.
Inside the Love
You have for me.
Let me gain
The strength I need
To patch these holes
Where I still bleed.

I do not share much of my personal feelings and experiences, in order to protect myself from, even more severe levels of, being wrongly judged than what I've already experienced. (I'd share more if I were protected and safe and if too many unaware people were not already wrongly judging me.) If people continue judging and wrongly labeling Primary Targeted Individuals, they will continue failing to SEE the Truths and failing to address the REAL issues and. . . ALL of humanity will suffer indescribably.

P.S. In past years I had often avoided having to explain the confusing details of being targeted by summing it down into simple statements like, "I lost my home in a fire" or "My neighborhood got wiped out in a flood." Both the fire and flood were surrounded by extenuating circumstances that have felt too difficult to fully explain. People who did not know all the details, (which are far more than I list here) sometimes assumed that I was exaggerating. But the REAL Truth is that what happened to me was so much worse than just homes lost in a fire or a flood. If I had a choice between only losing homes or undergoing what I've had to endure I'd choose the loss of homes without hesitation. The rows of deaths, rapes, threats, stalkings and electronic tortures and invasions into my body and properties and loved ones lives...have been indescribably worse than the loss of any physical property could possible even begin to be. Perhaps one day you'll See.

P.S. In my personal situation, there is a magnitude of obvious remote mind control intrusions happening to people whom I've been closest to. Just the fact that they do not seem to care that I am being tortured and slowly destroyed proves the mind control. Just the fact that they jump to degrading conclusions, instead of taking the time to investigate this proves mind control. Just the fact that they carelessly and happily carry on with their lives while someone they "love" is being destroyed. . .proves the mind control.

Those whom I was close to knew me to be a good person - a hard worker who owned a nice country home and had perfect credit and a passion for writing poetry, songs and subjects like healing the Heart of humanity...etc., before the rug was completely pulled out from under me. Now, it seems like I have been completely wiped out of their minds and hearts. . .and am viewed as a disgusting low life who is just making all this up or is just mentally ill...etc. They love me as much as I love them. I feel sure of this. And I KNOW that they would be here for me, in the ways that I need them to be, (even if they thought I were crazy) if there were not something horribly wrong happening to them also. __


Though I am a long term Targeted Individual, and believe that my family has been used for remote technological experimentation since at least the mid 1970s, I've not shared many personal specifics about my experiences, in order to preserve my own safety from people who seem to be actively searching for a reason to pronounce me "mentally ill." Great efforts have already been made to accomplish this, which include fabricated emails, letters and possibly phone messages, the altering of my writings, drugs and/or radio wave induced anxiety around the disaster forewarnings I'd put out from late 2005 to 2011...etc. I am also often heavily microwaved when I write. What used to take a few minutes can now take an hour or more for me to accomplish, when I am being heavily microwaved. I have to keep going over things and fixing my own mistakes as well as undoing changes that appear to be done by someone who is accessing my computer and writings on the web.

There are times when my memories of the criminal targeting have been completely erased from my mind and then slowly resurface years later, like the things I recently shared about the fire that raged through my Andover/Potter Place home. . .and the fact that things seemed to start getting mucked up in my family of origin after the time when my mother worked for a particular man in the mid 1970s. (But this could be just a coincidence.) I feel like my experiences, my plans, my dreams, my trust, my homes, my family, my children. . .my life (as I lived it) have been cruelly torn from me. I have been tortured in ways that I can not even describe at this point. I think that perhaps the worst torture is knowing that my daughters have been targeted, hurt, had brain damage inflicted upon them and/or have been drugged and raped. . .on top of being brainwashed. . .and that I have not been able to protect them. Each time I try to write the depths of this or describe how I feel or try to put a label on it all. . .pain like nothing I have ever known starts rising from the depths of my heart and I become speechless.

There truly are no words to describe this. Its a torturous hell that offers no way out, no help, no validation, no care, no hope. . .while being surrounded by people who do not believe me and expect me to just carry on as if none of it were really happening. Only another long term Primary Targeted Individual who has been shoved to the edge of total destruction could possibly even begin to understand. But whether you believe me or not, please let my testimonies stand as an example for humanity's future, because if media, law enforcement and governments do not quickly rise up to put an end to these types of crimes. . .far more people will be experiencing similar depths of hell.

Voice to Skull (V2K) Experiences:
(FYI: "V2K" is the military term for "voice to skull" transmitions of sound through electromagnetic frequencies - microwaves.) My "V2K" experiences have not been like those of other Targeted Individuals. My experiences with it have mostly been inflicted as I am waking or during meditation. . .as if the voices were in a dream or coming from God. (This was perhaps done this way on me because I had been into logging and analyzing my dreams and spiritual experiences.) I trusted the instructions, because I had trusted my dreams and visions and had no knowledge of mind control technologies - psychotronic weapons or the criminal surveillance I am a prisoner to. None of the messages were bad. For a long time I wanted to deny some of these experiences, because in facing the abuse I also have to face the fact that it was not God who spoke to me, that I had foolishly believed that it was. . .and that most of my life has been an intrusive delusion that lead me down multitudes of wrong roads by criminals who cruelly deceived me and deprived me from the chance to follow my own heart - my own instincts and the ONLY True God. Some examples of my V2K experiences are:

* The pen name I used for a number of years came from a voice saying, "You are Namatari" during a time when I was meditating in the early 1990s. (I realized, in the spring of 2007, that it may have come from a dark source and stopped using the name.)

* I woke to a voice saying, "You will now experience all that you judge," in the late 1990s. This was followed by several years of inflictions of other people's thoughts and feelings. I believe this was all being done with psychotronic weapons.

* In August 2001 I woke to a voice saying, "Go to Hawaii," after I began realizing that my TRULY prophetic dreams had been warning of a darkness coming over Concord, NH and that the public water supply was being contaminated by criminals who were working "underground"...etc. I went to Hawaii and somehow completely forgot the dreams and most of my pets missing or dead, home burned down, friend suddenly dieing and an array of other problems also surrounding my children, which included an unusual amount of deaths. (too much to list here and more being realized)

* In February of 2004, after escaping a perpetrator's California home, where I felt that I had been drugged and raped (for the first time out of four), a spot on the side of my vagina hurt a little and kept itching. As I woke one morning I heard a voice say, "It itches because he started inserting a microchip, in order to control you sexually." This made no sense to me and I forgot it. . .and shifted into a silence that grew from my blaming myself for what had happened to me. The man I'd visited had claimed to be a friend of Dolly Pardon's and was obviously connected to some sort of dark occult and had spare/secret rooms in two of his homes. One contained bunk beds lined up in a room next to another room that contained several computer stations. I think the only reason I was able to escape was because a couple of Jehovah Witnesses witnessed me being there. (I had given this man's name and address to the FBI, but nothing has been done about it.) In this same couple of weeks I woke as a voice said, "Someone is getting into your computer." And I now believe that this is when my songs were stolen. (I now think that they felt safe messing with me because they had just AGAIN destroyed the relationship between myself and a few friends, my older brother and my father for the second time. I was alone in the world.

* In the summer of 2006 I was sneakily emptying my RV's septic tank into buckets and putting them into a dumpster in a camp ground. In the middle of this disgusting task I heard someone say, "That's it. Just one more" as I began refilling a bucket. The voice sounded like it was coming from outside of me - like right next to me, although nobody was there. This happened twice and I searched the area to find nobody anywhere near me. I did begin wondering if I were starting to go crazy at this point.

* In the fall of 2006 I had been praying for God to show me what was wrong with me, after several times of being rushed to emergency rooms with unusual neurological symptoms. (I had spent thousands of dollars on medical tests that showed nothing wrong with me.) At this time I had a dream that said, "You have Lupus." The next time that I ended up in an emergency room due to severe pain in my head, loss of balance and eyesight... I asked them to test for Lupus. Immediate tests confirmed an autoimmune disease and white cell count being off. After more tests to eliminate all other autoimmune diseases the conclusion was Lupus. Those who target me have since tried to deny this and had even gone to the extent of brainwashing my daughters into thinking I never really had Lupus and was just making it up. (They must have been snoozing in their surveillance chair when the doctor who referred me to a Rheumatoid specialist sent me a letter stating the test results and making this recommendation. (I have copied this letter and sent it to several people)

* Around the 2006 fall / 2007 winter I heard the words, "Turn the radio on. Turn the radio on" echoing in my head, as if it was my own thoughts, but stronger. I began saying, "Turn the radio on" out loud and felt baffled by it. I turned the radio on and heard, for the first time, Tim McGraw's version of a song I wrote in February 2004 - (Last Dollar). This is how they let me know that my song had been stolen and made into a hit for the thieves. Does this point to psychotronic weapons being in the hands of criminal parts of the entertainment industry? Very possibly. (My experiences also point to them being in the hands of a satanic occult.)

Other Mind Control Experiences:
There is not any way that I can even come close to listing them all. And I am sure there is a lot that I do not remember at this point in time. But here are a few:

* In the mid 1980s I had felt baffled by the way I'd suddenly wake up and be extremely alert at evening college classes after spending all day taking care of my two young children and home. This was not like me. Though I am not totally stupid, (maybe ;-) it was unusual for me to be making the deans list while basically working from 5 am to 10pm and waking with my daughter in the middle of every night.

* In the early 1990s, after a sudden separation from my family of origin and divorcing my husband. (Unbelievable chains of manipulations around these events!) strange things slowly started happening to my daughters and I. I'd sometimes find things moved around in my home and my oldest daughter would suddenly burst into unusual the time when she turned to me and yelled, "Shut up and go to bed!" This was not like her and not like anything she'd have ever heard her father or I say. Its just seemed to come out of nowhere. On the first time that I left my children home alone, my oldest daughter had suddenly started vomiting although she had not been sick and there had appeared no physical reason for it. I arrived home to both of my daughters crying and in near hysterics. Something had happened to them, but I never understood what. . .until now. At one point my youngest daughter came to me and said that my other daughter was going to her father and others and was just making up things against me. When I talked to her about it, she said she did not remember doing such things. I believe both of them. The list could go on. . .

In the late 1980s and early 1990s my husband gradually began behaving in ways that were completely unlike him. The last straw was when he suddenly became sexually forceful (like rape) even though his desires for me were COMPLETELY opposite from these behaviors through all previous years of marriage. This was truly not at all like him and because of this it scared me. I lost trust in him and had a hard time sleeping with him. Around this time he completely flipped out on one night and I called the police and he went to stay with his mother and I divorced him after a long separation.

* Around 1994 and 1995 I reacted to the NH DOT's rude taking of my beautiful country home, in ways that were completely out of character for me.

In Dec 2001 my brother Kevin called me and said, "Something weird is going on around here! Pops is suddenly acting strange..." ("Pops" is what he called my father.) I did not know what to think of it and I was being so heavily targeted that I forgot it. He died in a mysterious accident a few months later. This month was also when I suddenly went completely blind while sitting in a chair. This lasted for probably only a few seconds. . .but felt longer. (I have often had sudden diminshed eye sight or hearing. . .and then it returns as suddenly...etc.)

* I have sometimes had faint sharp pains shooting into the top of my head. My daughter has had the same thing. And there have been times when parts of my face become numb. . .especially my upper lip.

* In 2004, as manipulations continued being orchestrated to destroy the renewed relationship between my father and I, the criminals who were targeting us began trying to make me think that my father was a pedophile. But let me back up a bit. . . In the previous year they had sent my father some sort of email or letter that he had thought was from me. When he laced into me about things that made no sense to me I knew a deception was happening and blamed my sisters. I would not close the door on him and worked hard to get him to realize that my sister was trying to destroy our relationship. He refused to believe me and refused to show me the letter that he persistently thought was from me, which STILL baffles me. Its like I never even got a chance to see what he was judging and degrading me for. My sisters still may have been involved. And my intuition is now telling me that my niece may have been also. I believe that my niece may be a mind control victim since serving in the Coast Guard. Around May of 2004, after my last conversation with my father, I had an unusual dream which showed my father being on top of me and me trying to get away...etc. This was like a picture in my head as I woke. . .not like one of my real dreams. But, at the time I trusted it as a real dream, because I did not know I was being targeted with psychotronic weapons. I believed it and it broke my heart - LITERALLY broke my heart, because I just would have never thought that my father could do such a thing. The pain cut as deep as my love for my him and is with me still. The hell we have both been through with this is close to unspeakable. . .and probably worse than I realize at this point. I feel certain that there were a lot of other manipulations around all this which I am not aware of. Many of his behaviors spell out that he is severe mind control victim. It is only recently that I am realizing that people whom I had been close to had been receiving emails, phone messages and letters that were not from me, through that time period. The result has been successful isolation of me from my family and everyone whom I had been close to. . .which has hurt ALL of us in ways that I can not describe or even fully feel while still being held in this surveillance prison of hell with no law enforcement help.

* I have experienced periods of debilitating numbness. . .like not even having the energy to think, at times when my body was suddenly bloating and faint sharp pains were shooting into my head. In 2003 and 2004 I had lost a lot of time without knowing where the days went. There was one time when I woke with blood on my pillow and a sore in my ear or on my head and did not know where it came from. Whoever calls it being zombified has found the accurate description.

* There have been times when I suddenly started thinking like someone I know - thoughts that were completely foreign to my nature. And I had ignorantly perceived it as God making me "experience what I had judged." Among the worst of these were desires to steal or to prostitute myself or to be a married man's mistress or to squander my money, instead of planning for the future...etc. It was usually things that were foreign to my nature and that I had actually looked down on other people for doing. . .to some degree. These experiences are what has helped me to realize that the types of mind control that are being used on us can not force us do anything that is not already a natural issue. For example, no matter how hard they try, they can not turn an honest person into a thief. However, I have on several occasions suddenly found myself saying something that was completely out of character to the point of my wondering what on earth I had said it for. These were usually little white lie types of things. . .or unusual exaggerations of what I already felt or thought. One that now comes to mind happened in the early 1990s when I was still with my husband: We were about to empty the dishwasher and I turned to him and said, "No leave it. The maid can do it." And it shocked me more than him, because he thought I was just joking. I had to try to write it off as something like some sort of past life memory re-surfacing, because I had no idea where it came from. I'd never had a maid.

* I have lost count of the times when I've ended up in an emergency room with medically unexplainable symptoms. The last time was in 2010 (maybe 2011) when I suddenly could not walk or stand and the room started spinning and I started vomiting and could hardly control a bowel movement and urination. This took place in a store where an ambulance was called and I was whisked off to a batch of baffled doctors and recovered within about 24 hours. It appears that I was surrounded by a few puppets during this process, because the EMT seemed to have already been convinced that my condition was due to drugs. (I do not take drugs. . .not even pharameceuticals unless I have to)

If I want to bare all I will admit to trying pot a few times (about four times) in my whole life, but did not like it and have not used it since or in between those occasions. I also rarely drink alcohol and the rare times that I do (like the two drinks I had this year) just about knocked me out and seems to take me a few days to recover. My sensitivity has steered me away from substance or alcohol abuse. In my late teens, however, I went out and drank with friends. . .but often got sick from it. . .and so did not continue such foolishness. Ask anyone who knew me. . .I can get drunk on one drink and sick on two. Its just not my thing. ACTUALLY ;-) Back to the mind control: There was a VERY strange period of about three months in 2004 when I weirdly craved one beer a day and often acted on it. I do not even like beer and had never done this before or after this time period! I believe it was due to mind control. (I believe that I was also being almost steadily drugged from the early 1990s to around 2010.)

* There are two occasions when I had severe seizures (This was in the late 1990s and in 2002) On both occasions I was with the same person. The first time, he said that I had died - had literally stopped breathing for up to a couple minutes with my eyes wide open. (My body had even let go of the full bladder I'd had!) This happened at work and was quite embarrassing! The second time was more like an epileptic fit that had my limbs flailing. Both incidents began with nausea and a weird feeling in my head that I can not explain. It was not like anything I had ever felt before or since.

* I feel certain that mind control intrusions have often blocked my instincts and forced me to trust people whom I would normally not have trusted and also to distrust people who are trustworthy. . .especially when I was trying to look up genuine Targeted Individuals. . .and when one of the satanic perpetrators has zoomed in on me.

* Directly after the 2005 Alstead flood I had accepted and invitation to stay with a couple of people who had obviously drugged me and raped me. And I was also brainwashed into thinking that I was responsible for the deaths of the four of my neighbors who died in the flood. I stood up in front of a huge crowd of people, at a wake and apologized to their families. . .in front of WMUR news cameras and a criticizing minister...etc. This was NOT like me. I am camera shy. (I flunked public speaking in freshman english at the UNH.) I believe that my doing this was due to mind control also. ON my own accord I'd have approached them privately. The whole thing probably baffled me more than them. During that time I was completely unaware of being stalked and drugged and targeted with mind control technologies so they had free reign. (I was an extremely trusting person who rarely locked my vehicles, homes, up until this time period - in 2005.)

And if I dare dive a little deeper into realms that will be difficult for most people to believe;

I have witnessed unexplainable personality swaps in my healthy children as well as other unexplainable personality changes in mentally healthy adults. I remember telling a friend, in the early 1990s that "each time I think I have my children figured out they swap habits on me!" I said it as a joke, but it was really happening. Example of this: One daughter was messy and had to be forced to clean her room and the other was very neat. Then they suddenly swapped rolls. And this went back and forth through their childhood, and involved many different scenarios. I knew it was not natural - not normal and was baffled by it. Now I know.

I have also repeatedly experienced people acting (or reacting) as if they think they have heard me say something that I have not said. I think that sounds and recordings can be remotely directed at someone who is not micro chipped. Can you imagine the cruel games that can be played on people with this?

I believe that there are fewer criminal operatives than most TIs think. . .and that successful, and almost immediate, mind control, on even anyone who does not have microchip implants, is far more common than we may think.

My legal name is Sharon R. Poet
My birth name was Sharon Y. LaBree
My married name was Sharon Buck
My pen name was Namatari Neachi
I grew up on a farm in New Hampshire, USA

I am sorry to have to ask, but would you please help me? The targeting has shoved me into, and is holding me in, a state of destitution and financial help for myself and my work is desperately needed. Please let your heart send what you can.

Sharon R. Poet
PO Box 383
Mont Vernon, NH 03057

P.S. When being heavily targeted it is easy to blame EVERYTHING on the targeting, because most of it REALLY is the targeting and I can not always know what is coincidence and what isn't. Now that I'm aware of being covertly targeted I have become a lot smarter and far more functional - Yup, I can now blame ALL my own mistakes and misperceptions on the microwaves. Its NOT me - its ALL THEM. ;-) Please see the humor in this. More information can be found on my blog or website; (More is in my book - Ramblings of a Targeted Individual)

  If people continue judging and wrongly labeling Primary Targeted Individuals, they will continue failing to SEE the Truths and failing to address the REAL issues and. . . ALL of humanity will suffer indescribably.

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